Civic Association of Heritage Harbour Homeowners, Inc.

Special Lapel Pin Ceremony for 

Vietnam War Era Service

Featuring Americana Music by the Maryland Community Band

A very special event for Heritage Harbour residents was held on Sunday, November 12, at 3:00 p.m. in the Lodge. The concert portion, playing Americana favorites, is a very popular Maryland Community Band, with conductor Master Sergeant Douglas Quinzi, of "The President’s Own" United States Marine Band. A musician since age 12, Doug brings new inspiration to this already impressive community ensemble. Most importantly, this event paid overdue tribute to United States military veterans of Heritage Harbour with a poignant ceremony. Because of Concert Committee member Bob Suggs, musician and Army veteran, the Vietnam War Era Lapel Pin came onto our radar. Requested by President Barack Obama to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of the end of the long and divisive Vietnam War, a pin was created by the Department of Defense. Any person in the military during its duration, not just in Vietnam, may be a recipient, but all veterans are invited to attend this event. 

Whether enlisted or drafted, hawk or dove – lives were interrupted. They slogged, heads down, through the conflict but came home to a changed, highly charged American landscape that failed to perceive their sacrifice, or those painful memories that might still linger. Recognizing this admirable acceptance of duty is integral to this ceremony. The pin itself perpetually acknowledges their bravery – and our eternal gratitude. Journey Home, written for this occasion, was performed following the pin presentations. Awarding each pin was Brigadier General (retired) Peter G. Hinz, former commander of the Maryland National Guard, and Vietnam veteran of the 121st Engineer Battalion (Combat) and Deputy Commanding General (Support) of the 29th Infantry Division. In retirement, Pete participates in multiple veteran support groups, and spoke briefly of his own experiences, in-service and out. Our veterans deserve continual appreciation. 

The Civic Association is gifting all proceeds, after expenses, to two organizations that directly support veterans and their families.  General Hinz chose Operation Second Chance,  and our own Lost Patrol selected Disabled American Veterans, both exceptionally well-rated charities.  

For those who attended the event, thank you for your generous donations.  For those who couldn't make it, please honor and support veterans with your donation.  If you wish to donate, please send a check to:


P.O. Box 43

Riva, MD 21140

Mary-Beth Phillips, Concert Committee 


Mary-Beth Phillips, Concert Committee

Civic Association of Heritage Harbour Homeowners

Color Guard 


National Anthem by the Maryland Community Band 

Douglas Quinzi, USMC & conductor

Flags Presented by Veterans from The Lost Patrol

Mike Wagner, Maggie Balacki, George Stein, Marty Pilsch, Alternate Clint Siemens

Pin Presentation 

Introduction by Bob Suggs, Concert Committee & former Staff Sergeant, US Army

Presenter Peter C. Hinz, Brigadier General, US Army (retired) and former Commander of the Maryland Army National Guard

Pin Presentation

Maryland Community Band - Set 1

Maryland Community Band - Set 2

Awarded the Vietnam War Era Lapel Pin

For the imminent 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, then-President Barack Obama acknowledged the divisive nature of the war and the lasting injustice in the treatment of its veterans in post-war America, and commanded the Department of Defense to create a special decoration.  Any person (or surviving spouse) who served in the US military, not just in Vietnam, from November 1, 1955 through May 15, 1975, is eligible to receive this lapel pin. There is no distinction between veterans who served in country, in-theater, or who were stationed elsewhere during the Vietnam War period. All were called to serve; none could self-determine where they were stationed.  All are to be honored.

Three million men and women left their families to serve bravely, worlds away from everything they knew and everyone they loved. Patriots whose 58,000 names are etched in black granite. Heroes who suffered   inspeakably as prisoners of war. Wounded who still carry the scars of war, seen and unseen. Families who carry a pain that may never fade. May all find peace knowing that their courage endures, not just in medals and pins, but carried gratefully in the hearts of all Americans.

Kudos to the cooperation from so many terrific people to pull this event off. Your generosity of spirit truly made this a memorable community event. Thanks... 

Bob Suggs and his mentor, Dan Smith, former Command Sergeant, Major, US Army Band

General Pete Hinz 

Dana Burl, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs

Vicki Hutchins, CAHHH Board President, for her eternal support and wisdom 

The CAHHH Board and Board Member & Videographer, Jerry Klinken

Mike Wagner and The Lost Patrol

The Digital Photography Club - John Needham, Joyce Wooten, Paul Mueller, Paul Whyte

Barney, Brian & Derrick, Heritage Harbour office staff 

Sound & Lights crew, especially Cindy Carlton & Kim Bumbry, and Tom Wieder, computer wizard

Heritage Harbour Players for generously sharing the stage

Special volunteer greeter Web Chamberlain (age 93)

Ad-hoc volunteers, neighbors Florie Bozzella, Marilyn Carpenter, Barbara Wieder

And applause for those wonderful, dedicated Concert Committee folk who work magic every month!

Nancy Badertscher

Sally Ehrle

Ann Marie Kelly

Sue Montfort

Nilda Roth

Hal Slaughter

Mona Szekretar

Louise Caldi

Barbara Hakala

Elise Malinovsky

Bruce Phillips

Ruth Rondberg 

Jackie Slaughter

Mary Thompson

Debbie Creek

Janette Heisener

Mary Moore

Mary-Beth Phillips

Cheryl Sabol

Bob Suggs

Nancy Wright

And to all those whose names escape my senior brain at 323am, many thanks!

I may not remember your name but I will never forget your kindness...mb